Two weeks and fourteen blogs

Can’t actually believe I have managed to produce fourteen blogs. They have been very erratic with timings not been very organised some even the morning of the day I have been writing about but hey ho have managed to produce one even for quieter days.

Huge welcome and thanks to any new viewers and subscribers, a shock to have as many as I do already considering they are just general ramblings of my day.

Today was a huge drive took three hours to get halfway between Essex and Bournemouth to go pick family up (with and extra hour and a half after that). Very early start to get there on time but it was achieved. We lost sat nav capability as the in car lighter is broken, stopping all chances of the in car charger working for all electronic devices of which half died within he morning and he others had no wifi available. Interestingly able to still navigate our way with very little misdirection and loss of way just by good old fashioned troubleshooting sign posts to direct which I guess is uncommon with technology.

In car entertainment and journey being achieved was down to caffeine and energy drinks along with old fashioned conversation, games and sing songs following radio and cd tunes which can’t be beaten.

Weather ended lovely therefore, on return got to stretch out or crammed car legs wondering in the garden.

Have got a bit more done with website content this evening to be able to almost have it fully complete so hoping to get the rolled out by the end of the week to go live when the hosting allows.

Other than that hope everyone has had a enjoyable day.


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