First Blog


Welcome to the blog page, this is the first blog I have made and I will try and gather daily blogs on my life and occurrences and discussions on topics of interest. It is a new section I wanted to use to develop and evolve my website, I have youtube updated weekly Monday/Tuesday and Twitter for weekly discussions pre video productions aswell as my own website on a topic close to me Turner Syndrome and my aim is for girls with it to get in touch with others and learn new perspectives and angles on the topic and be able to get the awareness to those who wouldn’t normally have that knowledge already. My blog is going to be linked to each of these so feel free to look around and spread the word or provide feedback aslong as its not overly negative as and when you feel the need to do so. I hope that this new venture is of some use to many people and that it is of some interest to those who need support or comfort.

Emma x

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